In 2009, I announced to friends and colleagues (in my most cavalier fashion) that I would commence work on a new Fester Spunk project ….composing a score for the 1920 Wegener film ‘The Golem.’  I set to work and quickly became overwhelmed with the enormity of an 84 minute piece.  Over the decade since I have gone back to the project, playing with the mix, adding new parts, reworking others, or finding ways of repurposing parts of the work for other projects such as Songs of Extinction Theatrical compositions and tracks on other Fester Records such as Spackle & Glue, How to Combat Ghosts & Interference, and Tech Tonic.  In the midst of end of term madness this Spring I opened up the ProTools project for the film and recognized that in fact with a little tweaking the piece was complete!  It was the perfect distraction from my research, and actually recharged the batteries to get me through on all my assignments as well as the soundtrack.

An associated album is in the works, and I am now looking for a place to present the work