Installation Work

Exploring narrative in Physical Space

I am interested in exploring narrative in physical space by means of multiple forms of media, and electronic interaction.  Much of my work endeavors to encourage physical connection between a gallery visitor and the artwork they encounter.  This often occurs by means of proximity instigation with movement sensing devices, or physical interaction by means of actual touch.

I have long been a storyteller, first as a singer/songwriter, later as a writer of narrative experienced via the web and hypermedia, now through physical computing.  I convey my stories by means of video and audio elements triggered by subtly disguised microprocessors that evaluate visitors’ actions in order to reveal complex narrative lexia.

My work often involves revisiting and reassessing the roles of objects of antiquity. An 18th century orchestral harp, a 19th century photo album, or an early 20th century child’s toy piano when placed in my workshop get imbued with technologies which allow a user to not only appreciate the original craftsman’s work, but uncover unexpected stories.  The interaction between a visitor and one of my pieces is most successful when the original form is recognized and appreciated as much as the interaction and narrative I’ve introduced.

Dunsmore’s Fixall

Goldstein’s Connection Rees Shad I’m a standard Lorem Ipsum text for fill the space. Initially Fester Spunk created the score for Susan Sandler’s play about Andrew Goldstein’s psychotic break – an incident which resulted in Kendra’s Law being...

Democracy in a Box

Democracy in a Box Rees Shad I’m a standard Lorem Ipsum text for fill the space. This installation was created in reaction to the invasion of Iraq after the September 11th Attacks. The piece involved several electronic elements combined in two ammunitions shipping...

Fictitious Family Photo Album

Fictitious Family Photo Album Rees Shad I’m a standard Lorem Ipsum text for fill the space. In the midst of discovering my birth family after thirty years, I began collecting images of unrelated strangers that I found in old Adirondack antique shops. The stress of...

Work with Games

Game Designs

I have been playing games all my life but became particularly interested in how they help people learn a little over a decade ago. I began exploring the topic in earnest while developing curriculum for CUNY’s Hostos Community College in 2009. I found that many of our students were spending a great deal of their financial aid taking and repeating remedial math courses. My colleagues and I began brain storming various approaches for developing games as pedagogical tools, and this led to the authoring of a textbook, an NSF grant, the development of many analog games, and some life changing experiences for myself, my colleagues, and many of our students. Here are some of the games that we’ve developed together. 

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Musical Work


I’ve been playing music for …. Jeesh…. half a century now.   I started working in recording studios when I was in high school and started my own studio in college, which turned into quite an operation.  Sweetfish Recording Studios recorded hundreds of acts over its thirteen years, and expanded to include a music publishing, interactive media, and an indie record company.  I recorded my first six albums there as a singer/songwriter, and when I went on to pursue a career in academia, I never completely stopped recording music… here’s some of the work I’ve been up to as of late….more can be found at

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Space Design

Designing, Building, and Renovating Spaces

I began designing and building my own recording studios in the 1980s, and to date I’ve had a hand in creating twelve pretty interesting facilities.  In the process, I’ve picked up a hammer and done a lot of home renovation  – redesigning and more recently rebuilding old houses to make them more attractive, green, and loveable.

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Videography Work


I am at heart a story teller, and I see opportunities as well as the necessity for narrative everywhere.  It’s an essential element of anything I design, build, record, or create. So it felt natural for me to start making little films. The editing process mirrors much of what analog and digital recording require of an engineer, the tech is not very different, and the story making opportunities are exciting…

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